Errol Morris

The Unknown Known: Errol Morris’ Tackles Unrepentant Donald Rumsfeld


Somehow, I don't think audiences are going to get an on camera confession from Rummy about 9/11 not happening the way it was told/sold the way Robert Mcnamara cleared his conscience(sorta) in Mr. Morris fantastic "Fog of War". My feeling is that Donald Rumsfeld is 3 times the psychopath Mcnamara is , and will happily go to his grave covering up his real knowledge about what when down in 2001. Case in point...

ERROL MORRIS: How do you think that they got away with 9/11? It seems amazing, in retrospect.

DONALD RUMSFELD: Everything seems amazing in retrospect.

Stuff happens. And free people are free to make mistakes and commit crimes and do bad things. They’re also free to live their lives and do wonderful things. And you have to pick and choose. Well, to the extent you pick and choose and you’re wrong, the penalty can be enormous.

Subject, unknown knowns. That is to say, things that you think you know, that it turns out you did not.

and this..

AMY GOODMAN: What most shocked you in your 33 hours of conversation with Donald Rumsfeld?