
WTC Collapse Examined By Live Video - See For yourself!

This video straight up defies what the "official" 9/11 commision report says about the 47 Steel beams in the center of the towers not even being there... Notice a few of them still standing after the rest of the building fell?

Get this video and more at

Screenplay about the PATRIOT Act, 9/11

The link goes to a part of the play that concerns September 11. Check out the synopsis too, while you're there. Pass it on.

New 911 Truther Video: "911 Mysteries: Demolitions"

Watch these (new?) documentary videos:

  1. 911 Mysteries: Demolitions (Part 1 of 3) [30 minutes]
  2. 911 Mysteries: Demolitions (Part 2 of 3) [31 minutes]
  3. 911 Mysteries: Demolitions (Part 3 of 3) [30 minutes]

Brilliantly made, mostly sticking to known facts. Well explained science background. Poses most of the important questions. Good stuff for passing along to "not-yet-truthers" amongst your neighbourhood, family, workplace, friends....

I believe these are quite newly released (never before encountered them).

BUSH: planted EXPLOSIVES inside WTC!!

500kB mp3 audio snippet (broadcast quality, wink, nod, prod, hint)

For Immediate Release -- Office of the Press Secretary -- September 15, 2006 -- Press Conference of the President -- The Rose Garden -- President's Remarks -- 11:15 A.M. EDT

Blah blah ...we need to torture, because...

Bush: For example, Khalid Sheikh Mohammed described the design of planned attacks of buildings inside the U.S. and how operatives were directed to carry them out. That is valuable information for those of us who have the responsibility to protect the American people. He told us the operatives had been instructed to ensure that the explosives went off at a high -- a point that was high enough to prevent people trapped above from escaping.

Bush HESITATES twice and gives away more than he is saying... he uses REVERSE LOGIC.. if the explosives are planted HIGH in the building.. there are LESS floors above where people can get trapped. i.e. If the OPERATIVES wanted to MINIMIZE the bloodbath they would WANT TO plant explosives HIGH in the building.

Demo Expert Confirms WTC-7 Was "Controlled Demolition"

Controlled Demolitions Expert Danny Jowenko:

" starts from below... They have simply blown away columns."

"This is controlled demolition."

"A team of experts did this."

"This is professional work, without any doubt."

For video, click below:

The vido clip above is an excerpt from a Dutch television program called, Zembla investigates 9/11 theories. It can be watched in its entirety at this link:

Here's some background information about Danny Jowenko's statments in Zembla investigates 9/11 theories:

Posted by dz on (9/12/06) under "Grab Bag of News Submissions":
One of the more interesting moments in this documentary (about 46:25 minutes into it) is when they ask demolition expert Danny Jowenko (who has his own demolition firm and reportedly has been active in this business for 27 years) to comment on videos of the collapse of the Twin Towers and WTC 7.His response to the WTC 7 video: "This is controlled demolition".